Lab, News, Grads

Congrats to M.S. Project Presenters

Congratulations to M.S. students Shivani Mogullapalli, Shriram Gaddam, and Mohit Kumar Katragadda who presented their M.S. Project posters at the CSU CS Graduate Research Symposium yesterday!

CSU Computer Science has a non-thesis research initiation option for master’s students wherein the student must conduct a research project under the guidance of a faculty member and present a poster on their project in their last semester. Very proud of the work these three have done this semester and I can wait to see them wrap up the work and graduate!

Mohit’s project: Distributed Training of 3D Object Recognition Using Point Clouds

Shivani’s project: Mapping Between Face Recogniton Feature Vector from Various CNN Models

Shriram’s project: Exploring Embedding Spaces in Transformers by Mapping Feature Vectors

Some pics from yesterday’s event are below:

Exploring Embedding Spaces in Transformers by Mapping Feature VectorsDistributed Training of 3D Object Recognition Using Point CloudsMapping Between Face Recogniton Feature Vector from Various CNN Models

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